“The Straight Pride Parade is a chance for Heterosexuals to gather together and proudly embrace their sexuality. … Adults are encouraged to bring their children along for the celebrations, as the event will be family oriented.”
mixx + q&a w/ skull disco’s appleblim
“Ringleader Villa Diamante gathered and mixed tracks … for an hour’s worth of grime, funk, hip-hop, ragga, and, of course cumbia, the undisputed star of the Zizek crew’s musical doings and highly danceable form of music.” :: go go zizek tour
edIt ttly rocked beatresearch last night, so i may as well flag this while i’m here :: hopped-up glitched-out drum-pad hip-hop anthem-ish
‘Michael Taussig describes the mimetic faculty as “the nature that culture uses to create second nature, the faculty to copy, imitate, make models, explore difference, yield into and become Other….” ‘
videyoga ::
RE: Straight Pride Parade
¿¿En serio?? Wow, cos we straight folk don’t have any opportunities to flaunt our privilege EVERY FUCKING DAY. Coñazo, just reading that article makes me so mad!!
Thanks for the Zizek mix though. I think it’s cool they’ve been getting so much ink lately.