
Back to playing reggaeton talking-head, for AJ+ (see from 1:05); I also appear briefly in their piece on women in reggaeton (2018):

“From Breakbeats to Fruity Loops: Small Sounds and Scenes in the Age of the DAW” — 40 min keynote for «The Future Sound of Pop Music», Bern University of the Arts (2017):

A deep dive (1.5hrs!) on the history and aesthetics of reggaeton – Berklee College of Music, Spring 2015:

TEDx Kingston (2011), on the profundity of JA’s soundsystem / remix approach (inna TED-talk stylee, save for the running-out-of-time part):

Platform politricks and music industry – Berkman Center, Harvard University, December 2010:

I appear as a talking-head in the reggaeton section of PBS’s Latin Music USA (2009):

Finally, a blast from the past — at Camper Down High School, Kingston 2003 (via RETV!):