vintage nawlins bounce live performance — triggerman & raunch galore (via twankle&glisten) :: http://twankleandglisten.blogspot.com/2008/05/lil-sumtn-sumtn.html
tis the season for killer instros :: a new reggae-soul-jazz mix c/o dr.auratheft :: http://siebethissen.blogspot.com/2008/05/boss-man-moods-jamaican-soul-jazz.html
on music, noise, and neighbors :: “…it is precisely at this interface of community and sovereignty, at the imaginary line that separates ‘them’ from ‘me’, that the story of the noisy neighbour can be told.”
“If, by [‘work in the humanities’], you mean only individualistic research, directed at arcane topics detached from real-world needs and written in inaccessible and insular jargon, there is indeed very limited money.”
stunning! (h/t xtina)
kevin driscoll on learning to love bootybass
videyoga ::