Alongside fellow Riddim Methodist, Larisa Mann (a/k/a, DJ Ripley), I’ll be “giving” a paper called “What Is Stolen? What Is Lost? Sharing Information in an Age of Litigation” at this year’s annual meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology, which is happening in Honolulu from Nov 15-19.
See the program for full details on the conference, but here’re the deets for our panel:
“Shaping, Breaking, and Taking Research: Intellectual Property Dilemmas and Challenges from the Field”
Thursday, Nov. 16, 7-8:30 am
Waikiki Beach Marriott
7-7:30: Larisa Mann (UC-Berkeley)
7:30-8: Wayne Marshall (University of Chicago)
8-8:30: Liane Curtis (Brandeis University)
Yeah, it’s early, but if you happen to be in Hawaii, hope to see you there! With bells on, of course!
[update: here’s a pdf of the paper]
i’ll take a copy of the paper — could use some ethical guidance w/r/t the funk comp: does a “montagem” (montage), a popular funk style of essentially rapid-firing through several tracks (more mashing than mixing), count as fair use?