Summer of Technomusicology (2014): DJ Mixes


The fifth etude in our summer session required students to cook up short DJ mixes that follow a particular musical thread across time and space. As readers will know, I’ve made a few of these over the years, and I’m obviously enamored of such an audible form of storytelling about music culture in the age of digital sampling.

Of course, not every etude made it up on Soundcloud thanks to its algorithmic/automatic pre-screening according to a draconian and short-sighted copyright regime — sensors are the new censors, innit — but several are still standing, spinning, and shining there. Allow me to share a few.

Here’s a ton of Ashley’s Roachclips:

And here are several iterations of Barry White’s “I’m Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby”:

Variations on Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, perhaps?

Or echoes of Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good”?

How about a big playback for “The Big Payback”?

Finally, in quite an inspired, creative departure, here are some Polynesian war/rugby chants sutured onto remixed dubstep instrumentals: