March 26 - Makeover

This evening I undertook updating my very neglected personal home page. For some reason it gets quite a few hits, so I figure it should at least somewhat accurately describe who I am and what I am doing. Now this circular advertising will send people in both directions!

After significant encouragement from Wayne and my parents, I put up a second riddim that I made on that page and I'll share it with you here as well. It's not so much that it is good, because it really isn't so good. But it has a good story behind it. Thanksgiving in 2001 was Wayne's first with my family (for the past two years we've been going to both our families and getting doubly doubly stuffed). On the morning of Thanksgiving my father went for a walk and made one of his customary digital audio recordings of his thoughts as he walked. (I have always thought of them as having the huge shortcoming of requiring the listener to live someone else's life in real time, but these days they are thought of as hip, cutting-edge audio blogs. whatever.) Anyway, he came home and gave this 45 minute piece of audio to Wayne and asked him to make something with it that we could play at Thanksgiving dinner. Still being a relatively new boyfriend and relatively new to my family (and, as always, truly open-minded), Wayne undertook to it. He listened to the entire thing carefully and in the end he was able to extract only one good soundbyte/sample from it: a single bark from my mom's dog, sam. Based on this I made the following mediocre riddim that is a favorite with my mother, for obvious reason: sam-the-man.mp3