February 13 - skyBeginnings

The very beginnings of skyBuilders websites are up for both St. Andrew High School for Girls and Denham Town. So far they are just shells of what they will become (even the basic designs/colors may change). In the next week I will be training a group of a teachers at St. Andrew and Mr. McKenley and Ms. Reed at Denham Town so that they can add content to the sites and manage them for the future. Though there is not much to see, you can check them out at <http://standrewhighschool.org> and <http://denham-town.org>. One notable step forward is that the Denham Town site is being served from here in Jamaica from a skyServer installed at InfoChannel.

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If having an easily-editable website like this is appealing to you, check out <http://www.skybuilders.com>. The skyBuilders software is open-source, free, quite powerful, and creates websites that are remarkably easy to edit and maintain even for those who know no HTML at all. If you are in the Cambridge, MA area, you can go to one of the weekly skyBuilders introduction sessions to learn how you can get started on your own skyBuilders website.